New Ways!

With enigmas fluttering,with happiness showing up,with curiosities flowing,this blog is all about my imaginations.This is something that I really cherish to do and so here I am,with this blog,to learn and tell,to discover and explore,to smile and motivate.Hi!I am Nikita and this blog is all about my immense thoughts,innumerable feelings and some inquisitivities!

As a person,as a girl,as a student and as a tiny part of this huge sphere,I am fascinated and inspired by so many things that expressing myself in the form of poetry has always helped!

Control your life,but do not imprison it!
We can find several things on this blog that categorizing it is tough but it is a concoction of all such things that adding more to it will be fun!
There will be poems,stories,articles,experiences, reviews,and lot more….so,let’s explore!

60 thoughts on “New Ways!”

  1. Hello Nikita – thank you for subscribing to my blog. Your blog title is so creative and I like the picture of you and the black-and-white drawing next to it. Very nice. I will look forward to more of your positive posts down the pipeline.

    Liked by 3 people

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